Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Times of Change Readings - Thursday

Farmer Nguyen, Massacre at My Lai, A Nun at Ninh Hoa -

What do these two poems and the article say about the impact of the war on the native Vietnamese? Can you think of any other ways in which the war will impact the native Vietnamese?

The article tells of how innocent Vietnamese civialians were killed for theit beliefs and who they supported in the war, they were just going about their ordinary lives and suddenly they were being attacked and most of the village killed. The first poem tells of how and innocent farmer was tortured by both sides for according to the Vietnamese "giving away information to the U.S.' and according to the U.S. "giving extra food to their enemy." The second poem tells of how buddhists would light themselves up in flames and kill themselves to escape the evils of the country since it was being take over by foreigners who invaded our peace and wantings. This was will affect the Vietnamese people by probably leaving a grudge on the U.S. and many of people will die probably losing half of their population. It will limit the Vietnamese resources and way of life.

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