Monday, May 21, 2007

Time of Change First Three Readings

A Dubious Crusade = The word dubious means doubtful and the word crusade is a vigorous concerted movement for a cause. Warren is basically saying that when the war ended the country was doubtful of its government and of the causes it had to go to war. The war was like a crusade the U.S. went to war for a cause but it was doubtful and now the people have no faith in their government.

History = The overall theme of Vuong-Roddick's poem is war and battle throughout Vietnam's history.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution = The main thesis of this essay is that since Vietnam attacked the Maddox the U.S. has the right to go and attack Vietnam and defend its stations of the coast. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was permission given to President Johnson telling him he was allowed to defend the United States interests in the area in which the Maddox had been attacked. The author tells how the ship was attacked and how the U.S. defended its interests which eventually led to a bitter ten - year war between the U.S. and Vietnam. This reading links to the first reading because in some way it was also a "Dubious Crusade" because the U.S. was doubtful of their actions yet they attacked Vietnam.

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